Monday, August 08, 2005

Time Off for Fun

Hey, no work at the moment - there are some jobs I could take, from a regular client, who sends out hundreds of press releases every week, but they mostly have subjects I am not familiar with, such as pharma groups finance stuff, so I don't take them. I feel really relaxed - I even painted a parrot yesterday, one of those Robbie made. She makes a form out of modeling clay("so was wie Plastilin"), then gives it several layers of liquid rubber ("flüssiger Gummi"), then she makes an outer mold around the rubber and then the original form is taken out, which leaves a rubber form. Into this form, fine cement or plaster of paris ("Gips") can be poured in and after a day or so we can start painting it. She did about 8 huge Scarlet Macaw Parrots, some frogs, turtles, and I just painted a few of these things. It is fun to do. I will put pictures in the blog later.
The girls team lost, and they lost bad. Twice against the gals from Dangriga. But they still made third place, so I guess they weren't bad all in all. We are still promoting them, although they need to get their butts off the bench and besides doing some more practicing, also try to make some money with fundraising. One of the girls made a nice Dragon Ladies design and Robbie printed it on a couple of T-Shirts. Looks really cool!
Yesterday afternoon, while Robbie was at the football field in San Ignacio, I had Joe over with Teresa and the family visiting from Germany: his sister and her husband, their son, daughter-in-law, and two 12 year old girls. The girls were terribly afraid of the dogs at first, but after a while everyone calmed down and they were fine. Until Magic gave one girls surprise kisses on the neck - wow did she jump. But they made friends right afterwards when she threw him a ball. Just give that boy attention and he is fine. Well, he may not be too well trained after all ... But we are trying, really:-)
Tomorrow I will help Joes sister to download her favorite game onto Joes computer and then, if they like, I will go swimming with them in the pool at Eve's Garden. The girls might have fun there ... at the moment, also with a lot of rain, they are terribly bored. Pre-Teenagers ... ayayay...
I am doing some household stuff today, so Martina only has to do the "big" stuff tomorrow, like mopping the floors and dusting.
And then I will go read a book. Just finished a really good one "Many Lives, Many Masters" (Review): Psychiatry and metaphysics blend together in this fascinating book based on a true case history. Dr. Weiss, who was once firmly entrenched in a clinical approach to psychiatry, finds himself reluctantly drawn into past-life therapy when a hypnotized client suddenly reveals details of her previous lives... It was so interesting and confirmed so many of my beliefs and thoughts that I read it easily within one day.
I still have about 20 of Marion's crime novels, so I guess I am going to pick one of those now and retreat to the hammock.


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