Sunday, August 21, 2005

Lazy Farm Life

Havent' been writing much, I am just too lazy at the moment.

Robbie was in the US for 10 days for the regular medical checkup and I ran the house/farm together with David and our cleaning girls Annette and Martina. Doggies were grumpy because they couldn't go out due to rather heavy rains; I try to keep them in, so they don't track the mud in from outside. Doesn't always work :-). Keep wondering how people with dogs here keep their houses clean. EASY answer: their dogs are usually outside dogs and never enter the house anyhow. Not like our spoilt bunch, who each have their own bed at night...

I did manage to do some painting (the parrots and frogs and turtles Robbie made from cement molds) and David put them for display on the front lawn with a sign "Art for Sale" with prices. We do take them in when it rains, although they have a protective coat of spray lacquer.

Now that Robbie is back I hope to get some pictures from the painted art work, plus from the painted coconuts David put in the back yard to make everything "look pretty" :-) He got a bit carried away, but I still like it, its colorful and friendly and makes people smile. We also did a sign project together (he cut and painted wooden strips and I wrote on them), there are about 8 signs attached to a post pointing into different directions (Santa Famila, San Ignacio, Spanish Lookout, Atlanta, Brisbane, Fairbanks, Munich ... and the moon), together with the rather exact distance in miles and kilometers.

Hey something really funny happened. Both Robbie and I had our hair dyed, not knowing the other one did it:-) Both in red... However, Robbie's red looks nice and decent, mine is a pretty shocking bright red - I will try to get pictures of that, too :-)

Back to work now, lots of translation work waiting for me. Robbie is at the first waterboard meeting alreadytonight - let's see what's happening in our little village of San Jorge!


At Monday, September 05, 2005 10:38:00 PM , Blogger Susanne said...

So I'm a couple of months behind here... but how are Karl and his Neem trees? What time frame until the Neem trees neem?
I love the picture of your duckies in the pond. And do I know about chickens eating little rodents! I dug up a nest in the chicken house in the annual deep-cleaning. Gross, but efficient, those chickens.
Glad those hurricanes keep missing you. Not so much luck here in the South.


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