Saturday, July 02, 2005

Tarantula Snack for the Chicken

Yesterday, I forgot to write that Max and Otto, our friends from Germany came by for a short visit. They are only staying 2 weeks before they come back again in November for their extended 1/2 year stay with their wives. They brought us some pretty pareos from my Mum, and two magazines and some headache medicine, which helps me instantly. Can't get it here in Belize, so I was glad they brought it. I will see them again next week, when they need me to accompany them to get some business done and I can help them with the translation.

Gave Angel a bath today, after Robbie cut her hair the other day. She looks so pretty now and fluffy, and feels a lot better, no itching, not so hot.

Didn't do too much work today - I guess I needed a rest - so I went into the chicken coop with Robbie and helped her give water to the birds, watered some of the flowers and Sharane's roses which she left here the other day, and while watering, I flushed a tarantula out of her hole in the ground. Well, I just kept the hose on her and pushed her into the chicken coop, where they all got awfully excited, because that's a really good snack for them! They know exactly how to handle them, so they are not endangered by the poison, and it was really fun to watch them: one carried it around, another one stole it and started running in the other direction and so forth. Only the geese were completely unimpressed, they just held their heads up high and walked away, like they were saying .. Aaaah, child's play!

Later Robbie and I both hung out in our hammocks, Robbie in the shade, me under the trees with a bit of sunshine, both reading books. It was extremely quiet, just some bird sounds every now and then. Robbie saw a strange bird in the sky, and when I looked, I thought it was some kind of huge seagull ("Möve"), which is really unusual for this part of the country. You don't usually find them so far inland, rather close to the ocean. And it was also a lot bigger than a usual seagull, almost three times as big. So we are not sure what it actually was.

Played a game of Quiddler with Robbie, lost ... Quiddler is a really cool word game, short, easy to learn, and we always use the dictionary to look up words, because we want to understand more. It is great fun and we hadn't done it in a while.

Found a huge red ant nest at the backgate and I tried to burn it, together with the log ("Baumstamm") under which they had created their nest. I saw thousands of those red ants everywhere after I poured some grill lighter ("Anzünder") over the nest to set it on fire. Plus at least the same amount of eggs as well. I haven't checked it since. Hope I got them ALL. They leave really nasty marks on the feet if they "get" you. I get little white, itchy, fluid filled spots which last at least a week...

Played another game of Quiddler, lost again!

In the evening, while Robbie was at the football field with our "Dragon Ladies" from Santa Familia, who had a game against the girls from Blackman Eddy, I prepared some of the food for our "Girls Night" tomorrow: I made some tomato, onion, green pepper salad and some stuff to put on toast and grill it as an hors-d'oeuvre. It's a mix of ground meat, sikil, onions and garlic (Hackfleisch, Kürbis, Zwiebeln und Knoblauch).

Played another game of Quiddler, WON this time!

And our Dragon Ladies won 3:1! YAY!


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